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Fara faima, la ce slujeste talentul ?
Without fame, what's the talent for ?

Celor nefericiti nu trebuie sa le aratam o imagine a fericirii. We mustn't show an image of happiness to the unhappy ones.
Odata pornit pe calea marturisirilor, nu te mai opresti usor. Once you start to confess, you can hardly stop.
E ceva frumos a nu dori nimic de la altul. It is something beautiful not to ask anything from the other one.
Atata vreme cat cunosti taina unei femei, esti sigur considerat prieten. As long as you know the secret of a woman, you are her friend for sure.
Omul are mania de a lasa sa se creada ca are ce nu are. Man usually make others think that he has what he doesn't have.
A oferi totul inseamna a nu da nimic. To offer all means to give nothing.
Este greu sa nu pari om cumsecade dupa ce-ti aranjezi bine treburile. It is hard not to be seen as a good man after you have arranged all your stuff.

Minciuna este pedeapsa fericirii. E o rusine daca reusesti, si moarte daca dai gres. Lie is the guilt of happiness. It is a shame if you succeed, and death if you fail.
Gluma spusa de un om pe patul mortii te face sa plangi fara sa vrei. A joke told by a dying man makes you cry without wanting.
Numai fiintele pe care le iubim ne pot face sa suferim. Only the people we love could make us suffer. Gloria este un egoism divinizat. Glory is a worshipped selfishness. Curajul si dragostea de libertate fac minuni. Courage and love of freedom perform miracles. Curiozitatea este mama observatiei. Curiosity is the observation's mother. Un mare artist este un print fara titlu. A great artist is a untitled prince. Un copil mort isi are mormantul in inima mamei lui. A dead child has his tomb in his mother's heart. Omul care se gandeste in primul rand la rau il poarta adesea in el insusi. The man who thinks bad first of all is usually a bad person. Prima picatura de sange atrage dupa ea un fluviu. The first tear of blood lures a river after it.