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o Sentimentul si gandirea fac omul civilizat.
The feeling and the thinking make the  civilization. 
o Exista o crestere materiala pe care o voim. Exista si o maretie morala la care tinem.
There is a material development that we want. There is also a moral greatness we care for.

   o Crepuscul – momentul cand natura se deformeaza si devine fantastica. 
La lumina constelatiilor care deseneaza sute de figuri minunate pe cer [...] totul pare bantuit de vise.
Twilight - the moment when nature deforms and becomes fantastic.
At the constellations' lights which draw hundreds of wonderfull figures 
on the sky [...] everything seems to be haunted by dreams.

   o Omul, mag misterios care traverseaza natura.
Man, misterious wizard who crosses throught nature.

   o Nu stai degeaba atunci cand gandesti. Exista o munca ce se vede si una care nu se vede.
You do not idle when you think. There is a work to be seen and another one not to be seen.

   o Cele trei laturi ale gandirii sunt: credinta, nationalitatea si filosofia.
The three sides of the thinking are: faith, nationality and philosophy.

   o Acel ce vorbeste bine, cheltuieste intr-o cuvantare de o ora meditatia avuta    
intr-o zi, intr-o saptamana, intr-o luna, uneori toata viata.
The one who speaks well, makes a one hour speech talking about 
the meditation of one day, one week, one month, sometimes all his life.

   o Un singur cuvant adresat unui suflet, poate crea un intrag univers, care sa-l umple de lumina. 
A single word said to a soul, could create a whole Universe to fill it up with light.
   o Ura, ticalosia, minciuna, noroi astazi, pulbere maine. 
Hate, meanness, mud today, dust tomorrow.
   o Muzica este o broderie bogata si incantatoare a linistii.
Music is an ample and charming embroidery of the silence.

   o Toate sentimentele au loc in inima omului, dupa cum toate stelele au loc pe cer.
All the feelings take place in the heart, as all the stars take place up in the sky.

   o Blandetea este o lumina a sufletului care se raspandeste asupra faptelor noastre.
Gentleness is a light of the soul which spreads on our facts.

   o Instinctul este ochiul misterios al sufletului.
Instinct is the mysterious eye of the soul.

   o Orice gandire este o forta.
     Every thought is a power.

   o Rasul femeilor este un reflex al cerului.
Women's laugh is a reflexion of the sky.

   o Femeile frumoase sunt colivii in care stau inimile noastre prizoniere.
Beautiful women are cages where our hearts are captive.

   o Ce urat este uratul cand are pretentia de a fi frumos !
How ugly is the ugly when it wants to be beautiful !

   o Raul va deveni frumos si se va transfigura, caci frumosul nu-i decat o lumina a bunatatii.
The bad will become beautiful and will transfigure, because the beautiful is a light of the goodness.

   o Pasiunea purifica.
     Passion purifies.

   o Mormant, iubire si glorie si viata/
   Si unda care fuge si-i alta iar de fata,/ 
   Tot suflul, toata raza, ce-i bine, ce-i fatal,/ 
   Vibreaza-n al meu suflet cu sunet de cristal.
Tomb, love and glory and life/
And the wave which runs and another's there/
All the breath, all the beam, good, fatal/
Is vibrating in my soul like a crystal.

   o Poetii adevarati ii recunoastem dupa arsurile lasate de geniu.
True poets are recognized after the burns left by the genius.

   o Indoiala il face pe om mai liber (...), cautand o pietricica, el gaseste un diamant.
Doubt makes men more free (...), looking for a little rock, he finds a diamond.

   o Sa recunosti un lucru inseamna ceva orisicum, dar sa-l cunosti e si mai bine.
To recognize a thing means something anyway, but to know that thing is even better.

   o A sti este o nevoie vitala.
Knowing is a vital necessity.

   o Savantul stie ca nu stie.
The scientist knows that he doesn't know.

   o Animalul nu stie ca stie. Omul stie ca nu stie.
The animal doesn't know he knows. The man knows he doesn't know.

   o A plange inseamna a intelege.
Crying means understanding.

   o Orice embrion al stiintei se prezinta sub acest dublu aspect: ca fat, un monstru, ca germen, o minune.
Every embryo of the science presents itself under this double aspect: as a son, a monster, a germ, a miracle.

   o Cine citeste, gandeste. Cine gandeste, judeca.
Who reads thinks. Who thinks judges.

   o Sentimentul e vesnic nou, iar cuvantul a fost intrebuintat mereu, de unde neputinta 
   de a reda o emotie prin cuvinte. Poti fi coplesit de sentimentul unei admiratii nemarginite.
Feelings are always new, words have always been used, 
therefore the uncapacity of showing feelings through words. 
You can be overwhelmed by the feeling of an infinite admiration.

      o A impartasi suferinta inseamna deja a se iubi. 
Sharing pain already means loving.

   o Cand spui Da, ea e-mpotriva; cand spui Nu, ea spune Da.
When you say Yes, she's against; when you say No, she says Yes.

   o Vai cat de grea este inima cand este fara iubire...
How heavy could be the heart when is out of love...

   o Cand incepe iubirea, ratiunea intra-n panica.
When love begins, reason panics.

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