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De multe ori taci fiindca esti convins… de prostia adversarului.
Many times, you are silent because you are convinced... of the opponent's foolishness.

Este o logica a inimii, foarte grea, care n-a fost scrisa. There is a logic of the heart, a very difficult one, which hasn't been written.

Moartea nu e trista, caci tu nu plangi la capataiul tau. Death is not sad, because you don't cry at your head.

Din cele mai multe discutii ies invingatori acei ce au inteles mai putin pe altii. In most of the discussions, the ones who have understood less the others become winners.

Talentul e o inteligenta speciala, manifestata; inteligenta e putinta mai
multor talente la acelasi om, chiar daca ele nu se manifesta. Talent is a special, demonstrated inteligence; inteligence is the capability of more talents of the same men, even if they don't demonstrate.

O flacara a ars in tine: ramane scrum. El poate incalzi – pe altii. A flame has burnt inside you; remains dust. Dust could warm - the others.

Sa razi, nu de greselile pe care nu le faci, ci de acelea pe care nu le-ai
facut niciodata, desi ai fi avut prilej sa le faci. Laugh, not about the mistakes you don't do, about the ones you have never done before, even if you could have done them.

Nebunul tine totdeauna sabia in vant si se mira ca rugineste. The lunatic always keeps the sword in the wind and he's amazed that it rusts.

Copiii trebuie crescuti pentru ei, nu pentru parinti. Children need education for themselves, not for parents.

Frica are mai multa imaginatie decat curajul. Fear has much more imagination than courage.

Sa nu-ti fie frica de dusmanii care te batjocoresc intai si te imita pe urma. Don't be afraid of the enemies that mock you first and imitate you afterwards.

Nu numai cei ce vorbesc gandesc. Not only the ones who talk are thinking.

Nu-ti vine sa mori numai pentru cat te poate invata in fiece clipa viata. You don't want to die, only because life could teach you so many things in every second of your existence..

Drumul lung incepe de unde ai obosit. The long road begins when you are tired.

Greselile se indreapta, pacatele se razbuna. Mistakes are straightened, sins are avenged.

Ispititor nu inseamna intotdeauna frumos. Tempting doesn't always mean beautiful.

Minciuna e o persoana placuta care imbraca in fiecare zi o haina noua. Lie is a nice person who dresses a new cloth every day.

Nu striga fericirea pe nume, ca fuge ! Don't call happiness by its name, it will run !

Cel mai bun tovaras de drum nu e acela care-l stie, ci acela care-l descopera impreuna cu tine. The best comrade is not the one who knows the way, is the one who discovers it with you.

Unii batrani nu au frica de moarte, ci li e somn de moarte. Some old men are not afraid of dieing, they're just tired and they want to sleep.

Un om cu frumoase calitati nu poate trai niciodata pentru dansul, cum o raza nu-si poate da numai ei lumina. A men with beautiful qualities could never live for himself, just like a beam which couldn't spread light for herself. Cea mai buna asigurare e o mare lupta. The best assurance is a great fight. Valoarea unui om se socoate dupa numarul celor ce se simt mai bine prin el. One's value is calculated after the number of the ones who feel better through him. Iubirile se intalnesc pe drum, nu se cheama una pe alta. Lovers meet on the road, they do not call one another. * * *