Obiceiuri de Nunta in Scotia

Marriage Customs in Scotland




Curtea unei femei si mariajul sunt importante pentru
toate societatile, iar toate categoriile de obiceiuri si
ritualuri care sunt asociate cu aceste evenimente au
luat amploare. Iata cateva obiceiuri care obisnuiau
sa predomine in Scotia, unele din ele rezistand pana
astazi. Desigur, multe dintre aceste practici au fost
preluate si in alte parti ale lumii, ca rezultat al emigrarii.

Courtship and marriage are important for all societies
and all sorts of customs and rituals have arisen which
are associated with these events. Here are some of the
customs which used to be prevalent in Scotland and
some which have survived to this day. Of course, a
number of these practices were taken to other parts of
the world as a result of emigration.




Chiar daca majoritatea se casatoreau local, tinerii
invatasera din timpuri mai indepartate cum sa
prezica cine va fi partenerul lor sau cum va fi el/ea.
De exemplu, curatand un mar de la un capat la altul,
fara sa se rupa coaja pana ce terminau.Cum ceasul
arata 12, coaja trebuia leganata in jurul capului si
aruncata apoi peste umarul stang. Cand cadea, trebuia
sa formeze initiala viitoarei alese/viitorului ales.
De asemenea, se ardeau doua nuci in foc - daca
ardeau incet totul era bine, daca explodau si luau
foc, dragostea adevarata era greu de gasit.

Although most people married locally, young people
learned from an early age how to foretell who their
marriage partner would be or what he/she would be
like. For example, by paring an apple so that the skin
comes off in one length. As the clock strikes twelve,
it was swung round the head and thrown over the left
shoulder. When it landed it would form the first
letter of the name of the future spouse. Also, two
nuts were burnt in a fire - if they burnt quietly all
would be well, if they exploded and burst, true love
would be hard to find.


Sf. Valentin

Valentine Dealing

Pe 14 Februarie, un numar egal de nume de femei si
barbati era scris pe biletele si plasate in palarii diferite.
Fiecare persoana extragea un nume din cea mai
apropiata palarie. Cei ce se nimereau unul pe altul,
deveneau iubiti pentru urmatorul an. De aici obiceiul
felicitarilor de Sf. Valentin.

On 14 February an equal number of male and female
names were written on bits of paper and placed in
separate hats. Each person drew out a name from the
appropriate hat. Whoever became paired, were
sweethearts for the following year. The modern custom
of sending Valentine cards stems from this.



Obiceiul legamintelor a fost gasit in multe parti ale tarii,
dar a predominat in Orkney (poate din cauza ca noptile
de iarna erau lungi, intunecoase si reci). Cuplul era
incurajat sa imparta acelasi asternut - dar ambii erau
imbracati foarte bine si baiatul era cusut cu un fel de
centura de castitate! Ideea era ca cuplul sa aiba
posibilitatea sa vorbeasca si sa se cunoasca mai bine
in limitele nepericuloase ale casei fetei.

The custom of bundling was found in many parts of the
country but was particularly prevalent in Orkney
(perhaps because of the long, dark, cold winter
nights). The courting couple were encouraged to share
a bed - but they were fully clothed and the boy was
sewn into bolster cover! The idea was to allow the
couple to talk and get to know each other but in the
safe (and warm) confines of the girl's house.


Sculptarea Numelor

Name Carving

Initialele erau gravate de obicei pe trunchiuri
de copaci sau pe pietre. Unele din aceste pietre
inca mai exista.

Initials were often carved on tree trunks or on
stones. Some of these bridal stones still exist.


Salile de dans

Dance Halls

In secolul 20, acestea erau cele mai populare locuri
de intalnire in orase si orasele. Se obisnuia ca barbatii
sa stea intr-o parte a salii, iar femeile in cealalta.
Cand se anunta “Va rugam luati-va partenerii la…”,
avea loc o imbulzeala nebuna a baietilor catre ringul
de dans. Intrebarea legendara era: “Dansezi?”, la care
raspunsul era “Mai intrebi?”. La sfarsitul serii,
era o intelegere reciproca pentru ca fetele sa fie
conduse de baieti acasa.

These were popular meeting places in towns and cities
in the 20th century. It was customary for the men to
stand on one side of the hall and girls on the other.
When the announcement "Please take your partners
for..." was made, there was a mad rush by the boys
across the dance floor. The legendary question was
"Are ye dancing?" to which the reply was "Are ye
askin?" As the evening progressed, there might be a
mutual agreement for the young man to "lumber" a girl



Bottom Drawer and Dowries

Mireasa trebuia sa aiba o colecite de lenjerii de pat,
Cearsafuri, fete de masa si mobila de camera pentru
noua locuinta. Tatal trebuia sa aiba o zestre – poate
si ceva vite, oi sau bani. Uneori ajungeau chiar la
datorii pentru a avea o zestre bogata (mai ales daca
zestrea era cea care facea fata sa fie atractiva!)

A bride was expected to have a collection of
bed-linen, blankets, table linen and bedroom
furnishings to take to her new home. The father was
also expected to provide a dowry - perhaps a few
cattle or sheep or money. Lairds often went into debt
to provide their daughters with a good dowry
(especially if it was the dowry which made the girl


Anul Bisect

Leap Year

Se spune ca in secolul 11, Regina Margareta a introdus
obiceiul ca fetele sa le poata cere baietilor sa se
casatoreasca pe 29 Februarie intr-un an bisect. Daca
baiatul refuza, trebuia sa-i cumpere fetei o rochie si
manusi de piele in schimb.

It is said that in the 11th century Queen Margaret
introduced the custom of allowing girls to ask the boy
to marry her on 29 February in a leap year. It evolved
later that if the boy refused, he had to buy her a
dress and kid gloves instead!


Varsta Minima

Minimum Age

Pana in 1929, o fata se putea casatori legal de la
varsta de 12 ani si un baiat de la varsta de 14, chiar
daca casatoria la o astfel de varsta era extrem de rara.
In 1929 cifra a crescut pana la 16 ani. Oricum,
in Scotia nu se cere acordul parintilor de la acea
varsta, spre deosebire de Anglia, unde acesta era
(si este) cerut pana la varsta de 18 ani. De aceea,
multe cupluri engleze care nu aveau acordul
parintilor, veneau in Scotia pentru a se casatori.
Si cum primul oras mai mare la granita dintre
Scotia si Anglia era Gretna Green, acesta a devenit
un loc frecvent pentru casatorii. Perpetuarea
traditiei fierarilor locali era o forma de ceremonie
adaugata romantei. Acum au loc peste 4000 de
nunti pe an la Gretna (“Capitala Casatoriilor”), care
a devenit un punct turistic foarte atractiv, chiar si
pentru cei ce nu se casatoresc acolo.

Until 1929, a girl could legally get married at the
age of 12 or above and a boy at 14 though marriage at
such a young age was extremely rare. In 1929 the age
was raised to 16. However, in Scotland no parental
consent is required from that age, whereas in England
the consent of parents was (and is) required until the
age of 18. This resulted in young English couples
coming to Scotland if they were unable to get their
parents' permission. Since the first town of any size
over the Scottish/English border was Gretna Green,
this became a frequent place for the marriage to take
place. The perpetuation of the tradition of the local
blacksmith there carrying out a form of wedding
ceremonies added to the romance. There are now over
4,000 weddings a year at Gretna in Scotland's "wedding
capital" which has now become a popular tourist
attraction even for those not getting married.




Anuntarea unei nunti era cunoscuta sub numele de
"crying the banns" sau "crying siller". De ceva timp,
intr-o societate seculara, anunturile de casatorie pot
fi de asemenea afisate la biroul Registraturii. Anuntul
trebuie facut cu cel putin 15 zile inaintea nuntii. Un
atfel de anunt a fost afisat in afara catedralei Dornoch,
cu 15 zile inaintea mariajului madonnei cu Guy Ritchie,
in Decembrie 2000.

Announcing the intended wedding in the kirk was known
as "crying the banns" or "crying siller". For some
time now, in an increasingly secular society, notices
of marriage can also be displayed at the office of the
Registrar. This has to be done at least 15 days in
advance of the wedding and not more than three months
ahead. Such a notice was displayed outside Dornoch
Cathedral 15 days before the marriage of Madonna and
Guy Ritchie in December 2000.


Spectacolul Cadourilor

Show of Presents

Prietenii si rudele veneau cu cadouri pentru a ajuta
cuplul la noua lor casa. Era un “spectacol al cadourilor”
unde toata lumea venea sa vada ce au primit mirii.
Acesta era un obicei particular regiunii de vest a
Scotiei – Glasglow, chiar daca se practica si in Moray
si se numea “bucking”.

Friends and relatives provided presents to help the
intending couple to set up home. There was a "show of
presents" when everyone came to see what they had
received. This was a particularly West of
Scotland/Glasgow custom though in Moray it was also
found and there it was called "bucking".



Pana de curand, era posibil sa te casatoresti din
‘locuinta si renume’, doar daca locuiai impreuna
cu partenerul ca si cum ati fi fost casatoriti. Bineinteles,
in zilele noastre, chiar daca nu se mai numeste
‘conlocuire’, multe cupluri se stabilesc intr-o locuinta
si isi formeaza o familie fara o cremonie formala de
casatorie. Numarul mariajelor in Scotia este cu 25%
mai mic decat acum 25 de ani, iar porcentajul copiilor
nascuti fara casnicia parintilor este aproape cel mai
mare din Europa.

Until recently, it was possible to become married by
"habitation and repute" just by living together as
husband and wife. Of course, these days, even if it is
no longer called "co-habitation" many couples set up
home together and have a family without a formal
wedding ceremony. The number of marriages in Scotland
is 25% less than it was 25 years ago and the
percentage of children born out of wedlock is amongst
the highest in Europe.




Casatoriile “pe gratis” erau acelea in care tatal miresei
platea pentru toata mancarea si bautura. Nuntile scotiene
continuau de obicei pana seara, cu dans si mult mai mult
alcool! Nuntile ‘penny’ insemnau ca fiecare oaspete sa
aduca mancare su bautura, iar acestea durau de obicei
mai mult de o zi.

"Free" weddings were where the father of the bride
paid for all the food and drink. Scots weddings
usually continue into the evening with dancing and
more alcohol! Penny weddings meant each guest provided
some food and drink and these often lasted for more
than one day.


Rochiile de Nunta

Wedding Gowns

Culoarea alb pentru rochia de nunta a fost introdusa
de Regina Victoria – anterioara acelei culori fiind
orice culoare in afar de verde (care era ascociat cu
zanele) si negru (care reprezenta doliu). Trditia
miresei de a purta “ceva vechi, ceva nou, ceva
imprumutat, cvea albastru” este inca pastrata.
Traditional, nu existau niciodata funde cu noduri,
acestea fiind legate dupa nunta.

The colour white for a wedding dress was introduced by
Queen Victoria - prior to that any colour was ok
except green (which was associated with the fairies)
and black (which was for mourning). The tradition of
the bride wearing "something old, something new,
something borrowed, something blue" is still often
followed. Traditionally, there were never any knots in
ribbons or clothing but these were retied after the
wedding - tying the knot.


Locul Nuntilor

Location of Weddings

Nuntile puteau avea loc oriunde in tara, daca ministerul
era de acord. Deci nuntile pe varfuri de munte sau pe un
vas in mijlocul oceanului erau posibile. Dar nuntile civile
nu pot avea loc acum decat in biroul Registraturii – desi
se incearca o schimbare din acest punct de vedere.

Weddings can take place anywhere in the country if an
authorized minister of religion is officiating. So
weddings on mountain tops or on a ship in territorial
waters are possible. But civil weddings can currently
only take place in the Registrar's office - though
there are moves in the pipeline to change this.




Aceasta incepea o data cu aruncare buchetului de flori.
Aceasta s-a dezvoltat in aruncarea monedelor cum
parasea locuinta sa si la iesirea din biserica. Tinerii se
imbulzeau sa la prinda. Acum obiceiul este mai putin
frecvent, datorita pericoului accidentelor din timpul
bataliei pentru monede.

This started as the bride throwing a decorated ball as
she left the kirk. This evolved into the bridegroom
throwing coins as he left home and on leaving the
kirk. Young boys scrambled to pick them up. The custom
is less prevalent now due to the danger of accidents
happening as youngsters jostled for the coins.




Ideea ca inelul sa fie situat pe degetul inelar la mana
stanga vine din vechile timpuri romane si a fost intezis
in Scotia dupa Reforma din secolul 16, ca fiind o urma
papala. Dar obiceiul a revenit in secolul 17. Purtarea
inelelor de catre barbati este o inovatie recenta.

The ring on the third finger of the left hand goes
back to Roman times but was banned in Scotland after
the Reformation in the 16th century as being a Popish
relic. But the custom came back again in the 17th
century. The wearing of wedding rings by men is a
recent innovation.


Tortul de Nunta

Wedding Cake

Demult, acesta se numea ‘tortul miresei’ (un fel de paine),
coapta de mama miresei. O bucata era rupta
deasupra capului miresei – daca se rupea in
bucatele mici, mariajul era fructuos. Obiceiul mirilor
de a taia tortul e recent – se obisnuia sa fie doar
mireasa cea care taia. Toata lumea primea o bucata
de tort si de asemenea se trimetea cate o bucata de
tort si celora care trimisesera cadouri mirilor. Cand
a aparut la moda tortul moder, de fructe, inghetata,
se obisnuia sa aiba niste fleacuri inauntru, in asa fel
incat oaspetii sa fie foarte atenti ce mananca…

This was once a "bridescake" (a sort of shortbread)
baked by the brides mother. A piece was broken over
the bride's head - if it broke into small pieces, the
marriage would be fruitful. The custom of both bride
and groom cutting the cake is recent - it used to be
just the bride. Everyone got a piece of cake and also
sending a piece of cake to all who had given a present
became the norm. When the more modern, fruit-cake
covered in icing style of cake came into fashion, it
was customary to have small trinkets inside so guests
had to watch carefully as they ate!


Noua Locuinta

New Home

In timpurile vechi, erau mai putini bani pentru asemenea
lucruri ca luna de miere, iar cuplul proaspat casatorit
se indrepta catre noua casa, dupa terminarea nuntii.
Trecerea miresei peste prag se facea pentru a avea noroc
de-a lungul drumului proaspat ales.

In earlier times there was rarely money for such
things as honeymoons and the young couple would go to
their new home after the wedding and reception. The
groom carrying the bride over the threshold was to
avoid the bad luck of her tripping on the way in.


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