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Aceeasi miscare care ar fi iute pentru o broasca testoasa, ar fi foarte inceata pentru un vultur.
The same move which would be fast for a turtle, would be too slow for an eagle.

Mistuim totul, cu exceptia dispretului. We consume all, except the contempt.
Omul este inzestrat cu pasiuni in vederea actiunii, si cu ratiune care sa-i calauzeasca actiunile. Men is gifted with passions about the action and with reason to guide it.
Ce are de-a face cu cine stai la masa, totul e sa mananci bine ! It doesn't matter who you're staying with at the table, what matters is to eat well !
Omul moare precum a trait. You die like you have lived.
Rasul ajunge uneori pana la convulsii; se spune ca unii au murit de ras; mi-e greu s-o cred, si desigur, mult mai multi au murit de suparare. Sometimes, laugh could get to convulsions; it is said that some have died laughing; it is hard for me to believe it and of course, many more have died of sadness.
Toate secolele se aseamana prin rautatea oamenilor. All the centuries resemble through people's wickedness.
A fi liber inseamna a te supune doar legilor. To be free means to submit the laws.
Numai regii prefera regalitatea. Only kings prefer royality.
Omule care te incumeti sa te crezi imaginea lui Dumnezeu, spune-mi daca Dumnezeu mananca si daca are un mat in fund. You, who try to believe that you are God's image, tell me if God eats and he has a bowel in the ass.
Un simplu instrumentist este indemanatec; un compozitor trebuie sa fie mai mult decat dibaci, ii trebuie geniu. A simple instrumentalist is deft; a composer has to be more than dexterous, he needs genius.
Se scrie in proza cine vrea, si in versuri cine poate. Prose is written by who desires, lyrics are written by who is able to.
Lacrimile sunt limbajul mut al durerii. Tears are the mute language of the pain.
Sunt corp si gandesc, nu stiu mai mult. I'm a body and I think, that is all I know. Faci proiecte ca si cum ai fi nemuritor. You plan as if you're immortal. Mintile se deosebesc mai mult decat fetele oamenilor. Minds are much more different than faces. Nu-i tara in lume in care dragostea sa nu-i faca poeti pe indragostiti. There's no country in this world in which love doesn't make poets from those who are enloved. Luati o harta: observati ca universul nu este limitat la cartierul in care locuiti. Take a map: observe that the universe is not limited to the place you live in. Orice om este o prapastie. Every man is a steep. Putini sunt cei care se gandesc sa aiba o notiune bine inteleasa despre ceea ce este omul. A few people think about having a notion about who are we. Sa ne intoarcem la firea omului; el nu iubeste decat extraordinarul. let's go back to the human nature; he loves only the extraordinary. Tineretea si sanatatea sunt bauturi fermecate. Youth and health are magic drinks. Nu esti bun de nimic, daca esti bun doar pentru tine. You're a nothing if you're something just for yourself. Dupa ce ai facut prostii, incerci cu tot dinadinsul sa le sustii prin calomnii. After doing nonsense, you keep sustaining it with slanders. Viata este un copil care trebuie leganat pana ce adoarme. Life is like a baby who needs swanging until he falls asleep. In marele joc al vietii incepi prin a fi cel inselat si sfarsesti prin a fi cel care inseala. In the big game of life you start by being the deceived and end by being the one who deceives. Este mai usor sa distrugi decat sa cladesti ! It is easier to destroy than to build. Titlul de prieten este superior celui de excelenta. The title of friend is superior to the one of excellency. Ratiunea consta in a vedea lucrurile asa cum sunt in realitate. Reason consists of seeing things as they are in reality. A avea fantezie inseamna a avea gusturi extraordinare care nu dureaza. To fave fantasies means to have extremely good tastes which do not last. Un creier infierbantat vede obiecte imaginare si aude sunete pe care nimeni nu le rosteste, mai cu seama in starea dintre veghe si somn. A heated brain sees imaginary objects and hears sounds which no one utters, especially between the wakefullness and sleep. O mare biblioteca are calitatea de a ingrozi pe cel care o priveste. A big bookshop has to terify the one who is looking at it. Cartile se citesc cu mintea autorilor buni. Books are read with the good authors' minds. A fost necesar sa treaca treizeci de secole pentru a cunoaste ceva din structura omului. Ar trebui o vecie pentru a sti cate ceva despre sufletul sau. Nu este nevoie decat de o clipa pentru a-l ucide. Thirty centuries have been necessary to know something about the human structure. We should have eternity to know a little something about human soul. We need only a moment to kill it. * * *